LennyLamb Carriers
What makes LennyLamb's Ergonomic Carriers different from the other Ergonomic carriers?
Firstly, they are made for Newborn till 20Kg and there is no need for an infant insert! The carriers are all Wrap Conversion in soft woven fabrics and made of - 100% cotton, or 16% Linen 84% Cotton or 40% Bamboo 60% Cotton. This makes it a vast difference from what the other popular carrier brands are made of in canvas.
Do look at what is available for the drool pads and bags at the LennyLamb Accessories.
LennyLamb Ergonomic Carrier is a type of a structured carrier designed in a special system of the straps and buckles so as to provide you with a carrier which assures perfect fit.
While designing the carrier it was a priority to make sure that your baby is carried in a secure, healthy and comfortable way. Your comfort was also within the priorities. Therefore, they have created a structured carrier caring for the highest quality of the components used for its production.
More information on LennyLamb Ergonomic Carrier and the user’s manual can be downloaded here: