Heavenly Lavender - The Birth Shop

Heavenly Lavender

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There's no doubt that labor can get mama-to-be a bit stressed and cramped. A hot spot Labor Sock really helps to calm the soon-to-be mama down and ease all those aches, pains and cramps as well. It's a welcomed relief for her body which is working overtime trying to bring baby into the world.

How to make your own Labor Sock:
1) Any clean sports socks.
2) 1 cup of uncooked rice,
3) 1 sachet of heavenly lavender flowers with free vial of lavender essential oil included (as above photo).
Put all ingredients including a few drops of the lavender essential oil into the socks. Tie a knot to get a ball of rice sock. Just simply heat for a few seconds in the microwave to activate the healing wonders of the Labor Sock. You'lll start to smell the room filling with the sweet smell of lavender ( a herb known for it's amazing calming effects).
Then, after the Labor Sock is all warm and cozy, just apply it to any cramped or aching spot on your body for some instant feel-good relief.
It's everything: soothing heat and a heavenly lavender aromatherapy - Great! 

This Heavenly Lavender sachet for your Labor Sock is the perfect size to take with you while you're in labor. Just tuck it in your hospital bag for instant, any-time access to this little soothing wonder. Don't worry, there's a microwave at the nurses' station.

Labor is a natural process that requires your body to really give every ounce of its strength. Give your body a little thank you by helping to relieve some of its stress. The product design may be simple but the results are nothing short of amazing.
It makes a wonderful and thoughtful baby shower gift for any mom-to-be. Eventually, every pregnant mama is going to be in labor. Why not make it a little easier and more enjoyable for her with the Heavenly Lavender sachet? We're sure she'll love it and won't be able to hold back a smile as her partner hands her a little heated hug to help ease her labor pains.
* Also great for under-pillow's good nite sleep! Simply add a few drops of Lavender essential oil (provided) into the Heavenly Lavender sachet and double tie knot the sachet before putting into your pillow cover. Nighty nite!
Item product include:
1 ribbon organza sachet of Heavenly Lavender Flower (10gm)
1 (1/6 DRAM) mini vial of Heavenly Lavender essential oil